Swallowtail Articles

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This is a neat little article from the June 1994 Issue of Volkswagen Audi Car. It was scanned and sent to me by Claus Von Essen.

This is a neat 3 article series on a car known as the Red Baron. The car apparently eventually sold for 1500 dollars! It was scanned and sent to me by Claus Von Essen.

This is a German article from VW Scene. It was scanned and sent to me by Claus Von Essen and shows a pretty incredible Golf!

These funny clippings from VW-Frontdriver were scanned and sent to me by Steve Scott. Incredibly cool (love the hairdo!)! (click for bigger pix)

This cool article from Economical Driver was scanned and sent to me by Steve Scott.(click for bigger pix)

And here is an excellent article sent by Neil. This is from the October Issue of "The Golf" Click any image for a HUGE version.

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